I'm bored. What the hell am I supposed to write? A bunch righteous indignation about Donald Trump? So a former Klu Klux Klan Grand Wizard called him "best of the lot" among the Repugnant candidates for president. Now there's a rousing endorsement. Actually, it wasn't an endorsement. Trump may be the best. True, the other candidates don't have the balls to bash Hispanics with the authoritarian finesse Trump does, but Trump is "untrustable," says David Duke. What with his daughter converting to Judaism and all.
Anti-semitism ain't what it was when in the '30s when conservatives accused FDR of secretly being Jewish. Or the '50s when suburban housewives gathered over cigarettes at kids' birthday parties and made jabs about "hooked noses." After all the good Christians, not David Duke of course, but the nice evangelicals know God will help his chosen people find Jesus and become "completed Jews" so they can go to Heaven so you better stand by Israel.
Liberals say us real Americans harbor an untrustable feeling for those with black and brown complexions, but hey we'd be a post-racial society if Obummer wasn't committing racial arson. No, us old school Americans just hate this defiant attitude blacks (oh I'm sorry, African Americans) have for the police. If a cop tells you to touch your genitals and get down on the ground on your belly, godammit, you do it. And Hispanics can all go back to Univision and get the hell out of our English speaking country.
Isn't that what you think?
You like the way Trump speaks his mind, don't you? He's number one for a reason, you know. He gives voice to your most deep-seated thoughts. Not quite as volatile as the crap you spout on Facebook (one guy: (after riots) "Rosa Parks just wouldn't move from her seat. She didn't burn the whole bus." other guy: "They should've yanked her hair and thrown the bitch off.")
"I'm an old school American," I heard some old guy say at the Backwater Bar & Grill. By that, he means he's a self-righteous, judgemental, punitive, violent, hellfire, racist, xenophobic, religious acting, amoral, one-sided, imperious, tear-up-your-ass, loud mouth, Big Daddy who likes a bullying, authoritarian figure to tell him how to think, while re-inforcing every ugly thought in his unread mind.
Trump's number one. Americans like bullies. They like racists.

You'd think they'd all be saying prayers for Jimmy Carter, but hey remember when you were in elementary school and all those buildings were getting blown up under Carter. I don't, but it was a long time ago. We don't need some pussy talking about compassion, Christian love, a mosaic of cultures, human rights and peace. If Christ were here, he'd pick up an automatic and do some shootin.'
Carter"s spent all these years building houses for a bunch of ungrateful poor people. Yeah, yeah, I know. They gave some "sweat equity." But Trump is smart enough to know that when someone's house is impeding economic development for a Trump tower, you declare eminent domain and tear the motherfucker down.
And don't tell a soul about the undocumented help doing all the shit work in his hotels, holding Trump up. You really like him, America, don't you. His tantrums and cruelty. Like racist David Duke, you like him.
"The KKK Took My Baby Away" --- The Ramones